Research Career Advertisement

Faculty: LAW

Research Assistantship Opportunity at Law Faculty for Project Led by Dr. Moin Uddin

Project Title: Local Myths and Factors Responsible for Dis-inheritance of Muslim Women

Notice link: RA recruitment_Law.jpg

Faculty: Business Administration 

Research Assistantship Opportunity at Business Administration for a project led by Abdullah Al Mamun and funded by the Research and Publication Cell, University of Chittagong.

Project Title: Does sustainable strategy predict sustainable performance:

A moderated mediation study” 

Notice link: RA_HRM.jpg

Faculty: Business Administration 

Research Assistantship Opportunity at Business Administration for a project led by Dr. Anupam Das Gupta and funded by the University Grants Commission (UGC) of Bangladesh.

Project Title: Bidirectional Relationship Between Risk and Efficiency of Commercial Banks of

Bangladesh. Do Bank Diversification and Market Competition Matter?

Notice link: Advertisement for RA_Finance.pdf

Faculty: Institute of Forestry and Environmental Sciences

Research Assistantship Opportunity at the Institute of Forestry and Environmental Sciences for a project led by Dr. Tarit Kumar Baul and funded by the Research cell of the University of Chittagong, Bangladesh

Project Title: Gap dynamics in Sitapahar forest reserve, Bangladesh.

Notice link: Advertisement for RA_Project 2021_TKB.pdf

Faculty: Institute of Forestry and Environmental Sciences

Research Assistantship Opportunity at the Institute of Forestry and Environmental Sciences for a project led by Dr. Tarit Kumar Baul and funded by the Research cell of the University of Chittagong, Bangladesh

Project Title: Carbon sequestration potential of tropical forests in Bangladesh: A case study in

Sitapahar reserve forest.

Notice link: Advertisement for RA_Project 2020_TKB.pdf

Faculty: Institute of Forestry and Environmental Sciences

Research Assistantship Opportunity at the Institute of Forestry and Environmental Sciences for a project led by Dr. Mohammad Mosharraf Hossain and funded by USAID

Project Title: Investigation of the State Watershed Management at Teknaf Wildlife Sanctuary and Water

Scarcity in the Communities Dependent on the Watershed.

Notice link: RA Advertisement_TWS Watershed_Mosharraf_IFESCU.pdf

Faculty: Institute of Forestry and Environmental Sciences

Research Assistantship Opportunity at the institute of Forestry and Environmental Sciences for a project led by Dr. Mohammad Mosharraf Hossain and funded by FAO

Project Title: Water scarcity and water stress faced by water user groups in Cox’s Bazar Area.

Notice link: RA Advertisement_IUCN_Mosharraf_IFESCU.pdf

Faculty: Institute of Forestry and Environmental Sciences

Research Assistantship Opportunity at Institute of Forestry and Environmental Sciences for a project led by Dr. Mohammad Mosharraf Hossain and funded by APN

Project Title: Towards sustainable urban water management in Hindukush Himalayan (HKH) Region: a

participatory approach to improving water security in mountain cities.

Notice link: RA Advertisement_APN_Mosharraf_IFESCU (1).pdf

Faculty: Biological Science

Research Assistantship (Part-time) Opportunity at Genetic Engineering for a project led by Dr. Md. Mahbub Hasan.

Project Title: Study of Novel T2DM Genetic Variants in Southern Bangladesh

Notice link: Advert for RA MMH.pdf

Faculty: Arts and Humanities 

Research Assistantship Opportunity ( Part-time) at Institute of Modern Languages(IML)  for a project led by Dr Farzana Yesmen Chowdhury

Project Title: Mother Tongue-Based

Multilingual Education in Bangladesh: Myths and Reality”, funded by the University Grants Commission (UGC of Bangladesh.

Notice link: Advertisement for Research project_IML.pdf

Faculty: Science

Research Assistantship Opportunity at Applied Chemistry for a project led by Dr. Sumon Ganguli and funded by the Universities grants commission, Bangladesh. 

Project Title: pH-depedent phyto (Blumea lacera) synthesis of silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) and assessment of thei cytotoxicity. Anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties”, funded by the University Grants Commission (UGC of Bangladesh.

Notice link: RA recruitment_Applied Chemistry.pdf

Faculty: Biological Science ( Multidisciplinary)

Research Assistant (Multidisciplinary) Opportunity for a project led by Dr. Adnan Mannan and funded by the Universities grants commission and Ministry of Science & technology, Bangladesh.

Project Title: Two molecular epidemiology-based research 

  1. i) Quality of life of type 2 diabetes patients and
    ii) Antibiotic resistance among children.

Notice link: RA recruitment _Multidisciplinary_AMN.pdf

Faculty: Institute of Marine Sciences

Research Assistantship Opportunity at Institute of Marine Sciences for a project led by Dr. M. Shah Nawaz Chowdhury.

Project Title: ‘Coral habitat and ecological assessment to support St. Martin’s Island MPA’.

Notice link: RA Advertisement_APN_Mosharraf_IFESCU (1).pdf

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