Research Highlights

Effects of fragmentation and shifting cultivation on soil carbon and nutrients: A case study in Sitapahar forest, Bangladesh

The consequences of converting primary forests to agriculture and pasture on soil carbon (C) and nutrient stocks are important. The Institute of Forestry and Environmental Sciences evaluated soil C...

Effects of shipwrecks on spatiotemporal dynamics of metal/loids in sediments and seafood safety in the Bay of Bengal

Metal/loid pollution from shipbreaking activities has drawn significant concern due to their persistent threat to the marine ecosystem and human health. The study suggested anthropogenic activities...

KEAP1/NRF2 Mutations in Stem Cells Define an Aggressive Subset of Head and Neck Cancer Patients Who Have a Poor Prognosis, Lung Metastasis, and Therapeutic Failure

A group of researchers from the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology has observed that Keap1–Nrf2 alterations play significant roles in chemotherapeutic resistance particularly cisplatin...

An enemy of our own making: 47% children in port city resistant to antibiotics, finds study of CU

Multidrug-resistant (MDR) clones of Klebsiella pneumoniae (Kpn) have been increasingly documented in community-acquired and nosocomial infections all around the globe. Extended-spectrum -lactamases...

Microbiome of Hilsha is unique: First study of Bangladesh by CU researchers

Hilsha (locally known as Ilish), the fish has been designated as the national fish of Bangladesh. The host-microbe interactions are complex, dynamic and context-dependent. In this regard, migratory...

A gamechanger for shrimp farming: Whole genome decode of WSSV

A group of researchers from Chittagong University and three institutions have discovered the genome structure of the devastating white spot virus of shrimp in the country and identified a new variant...

Quantifying the potential contribution of urban trees to particulate matters removal: A study in Chattogram city, Bangladesh

We have very limited understanding of the contribution of urban trees toward removal of air pollutants, for example, particulate matter (PM) in Bangladesh. Institute of Forestry and Environmental...

Carbon stocks of homestead forests have a mitigation potential to climate change in Bangladesh

In Bangladesh, homestead forests are some of the most productive systems and unique land uses. A total of 176 homestead forests at three altitudes in the Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh were...

Human exposure assessment of mixed metal/loids at and near mega-scale open beaching shipwrecking activities in Bangladesh

Pollution from shipwrecking is growing into a major occupational and environmental health concern worldwide, especially in lower-middle-income countries due to decades of improper waste disposal. The...
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